Neatishead CofE Primary School


Celebrating Diwali

The Solar System

Dr Ken – Recycling and the Environment

Dinosaur Detectives

The Creation Story

How to Save the Planet with Dr Ken

Norwich City Fooball Club

Multi Clause Sentence Paragraphs

Congratulations to all of the children who completed additional learning about multi-clause sentences. Here are some of their examples, with the fewest errors. Wonderful!

‘Here students achieve personal bests and success again and again, Because they strive to know they will receive their hard earned rewards.’

‘My last personal success was achieved in this room and the owner of the building helped me to strive, again, the owner helped me to receive a medal here on the exact spot, their face (the owner’s face), lit up, because they were proud of me, now you know what this room meant to me.’

‘In the past three months, here in peacock class, we have been successfully (well, hopefully) striving to construct our own stories, you know me personally, you will know this is the best project for me, because at home I write stories again and again, my parents say this is their favourite story I’ve written, now I look forward to receiving feedback from Mr Murphy to see if I’ve reached his expectations.’

Science Video

Izzy Gizmo and the Britten Sinfonia

Year One and Two were fascinated by the story and the musicians. What a treat to watch!