Neatishead CofE Primary School

Forest School

Playing, Exploring, Challenging…

Our Forest School area is so well developed. We love Forest School!

Fungi discovery! We used magnifying glasses to examine these mushrooms and looked at identification cards to find out their names. 

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud!

The slugs are having a party!

Our cross is ready for spring!

Working on our living cross

Imagination running wild at Forest School!

We are making a plan…!

What do you enjoy most about Forest School?

A shower of autumn leaves!

We had a bright and sunny morning for our nature walk and blackberry picking adventure. 

Bugs, bugs and more bugs! From rolling logs over to investigating the bug hotel – we have found so many insects to look at through our magnifying glasses. It is exciting to find them on our insect mats and describe their features.
Of course, there is always time for swinging in the trees!

We had some visitors today! We fed two baby deer and a hoglet which we had rescued from our school car park. We also had the opportunity to hold some newly hatched guinea fowl. What a wonderful treat. Thank you so much to Seren and Eleri’s Mummy and Grandad for bringing their zoo to our field!

“It took God a long time to make the world. We must look after all the trees and plants” – Lilly

It was wonderful to be exploring our world together again. 

Hide and seek!

Mud, mud, glorious mud!

Who doesn’t love mud? ………….pies, cake, perfume!
Throw in swinging and bouncing and you have the perfect Friday.

Preparing to plant potatoes, but we found a very long wiggly worm to investigate!

The perfect day for a fire and collecting worms!

What can we do with sticks?

We made the first sound in our name using only natural materials.

Whatever the weather… October 2019

Forest School September 2019

This year at Forest School has been amazing!

Thinking about how we might be feeling with emotion stones, watering the potatoes, trimming branches for a bug house, weighing natural materials, pushing a friend on the swing, finding the letters of our names hanging in the trees and tying knots – just a few of our activities at Forest School this morning!

Climbing and hot chocolate……the perfect way to spend a morning!

Whatever the weather, we love exploring, playing and learning outside. The fire kept us warm through the hail today!

Climbing, digging, building, cutting, sawing, tying, cooking, imagining and exploring!

The Peacocks enjoy Forest School sessions, learning to use saw and knives, lay, light and cook on a fire, create bug homes and build dens.

‘Children have good access to outdoor learning. Leaders have worked hard to ensure that the outdoor environment is a vibrant and engaging place. Learning flows from indoor activities to outdoor activities well.’ Ofsted 2018