Our beautiful Easter cards

Experience Easter
What a wonderful way to explore the Easter story

Fantastical Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt – what an exciting start to this term we have had! Each group has chosen an Egyptian God as their name – Hathor, Ma’at and Osiris. Have a look at our photos to look at our learning so far.
We always enjoy our visits to St Peters. Experience Christmas is such a valuable, interesting and fun morning for us all. Thank you very much for inviting us and teaching us more about the story of The Nativity

No one can resist Gruffalo crumble!
We had such an exciting adventure at Neatishead Hall Farm.
We travelled in an enormous trailer, we found out about how sugar beet is harvested, we fed the cows and we learnt more about farming through the seasons. Thank you very much to Louis, Fran and Robin for a wonderful morning – we appreciated your time and energy very much.
Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me I’m…………………….” Weighing, measuring, kneading and rolling – look at our amazing gingerbread creations!
We have had the most wonderful start to our term. Our Red Skippers are learning and working brilliantly together! Have a look at what we have been doing…

Wild Week was awesome! Building dens, cooking breakfast, roasting marshmallows, litter picking, writing outside, preparing porridge and so much more……….what a week!
Message in a bottle top…….what is our message to you?
Please read our promise and enjoy looking at the beautiful art we created using ONLY bottle tops!
This week we have written shopping lists, menus and a recipe with instructions….why? ………. we produced a wonderful picnic to celebrate our term of learning based around The Wind in the Willows!
Expressive arts in the sun – we choreographed a happy dance!
Exploring our church, St Peters, in the beautiful sunshine
Enjoying our Reflection area
Today we had the opportunity to take part in a vote to name our reading bear. We had a voting slip. Each vote was counted. We declared a winner. This learning arose from sharing the story of Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragettes. The Skippers were so engaged with the story and the sense of unfairness. One of our class said – “Boys and girls are equals. We can all do the same things. I wouldn’t like to live when it was like that.”

A celebration of Easter and Spring
We have been exploring the Easter story through singing, writing and drama….have a look at our wonderful learning…..

Lockdown has not prevented our wonderful children enjoying their learning! Every day we share a Zoom teaching session and then there are lots of activities on Tapestry to share at home and in school. I am so impressed with the Red Skippers – you are amazing!
During our week of home learning we shared the story Stickman. Look at these amazing creations!

“This was the best learning ever. I love dinosaurs!”
“I know about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores now. I didn’t know that dinosaurs ate different things”
“I wish I could fly like a pterodactyl. I can roar like a T-Rex!”
This has been a wonderful theme for our learning this term. From reading information, writing stories about dinosaurs, creating information texts, sorting and counting dinosaurs to comparing us to dinosaurs and finding out about dinosaur descendants, we have all discovered and learnt so much. We finished our dinosaur theme by investigating why there are no longer dinosaurs on the earth. This led to some wonderful questions about volcanoes which we just had to explore.
We spent some time this half term reflecting on Remembrance Day and why we celebrate it every year – “It is sad that lots of soldiers and people died, but we can think about them and say thank you”
Red Skippers – you are amazing learners!
How long is a T-rex? Is it longer than a diplodocus? We used bean bags, ourselves and metre sticks to answer these questions.
We have been working hard on recognising and writing sounds so that we can write words and sentences about dinosaurs.
As we explored why Christians celebrate Harvest, we thought about the farmers around our school and how they produce food for us to eat. We shared the story of The Little Red Hen and we learnt a rap to tell the story! We wrote instructions on how to make bread which we followed. Our bread rolls were delicious! Last summer we picked cherries from the tree on our playground so we were able to spread cherry jam on our bread.
We have had a wonderful half term with so many adventures, so much learning and lots of fun.
What a wonderful start to the year! Our new children smile, laugh, play and learn all day long, with amazing support and encouragement from our pupils in Year One. I am very proud of how all our children have settled and how delighted they are to be learning in school.
Our dinosaur topic is very exciting! We have had dinosaurs on our playground, a dinosaur egg to hatch and letters from Sally the stegosaurus!
To keep us safe we have learnt about why we need to wash our hands, why we have our own pencil pots and trays and why we keep a distance between each other. We had fun doing a science experiment using pepper and soap!
Have a look at our photos…….

Look what Mrs Payne found in our outdoor shed. Fortunately it was abandoned by the wasps who built it!

26th June 2020
Dear Red Skippers,
How are you all? We hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunshine? I know lots of you have been going to the beach and playing in the river. I even heard that some of you have been eating ice-cream!
It has been lovely working with lots of you in school, and we miss seeing all of you who are learning at home. If you are at home or in school for some days, we have posted you a big envelope with lots more fun and exciting learning opportunities. We will be doing the same learning in school so all the Red Skippers are enjoying the same activities.
Please remember that you can email us at any time or you can ring school and have a chat with us.
Take care of yourselves and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Mrs Davies and Mrs Morton
Mixed- Diversity Story and Discussion Guide
This week Red Skippers have been enjoying learning about nature and wildlife in the school grounds. The children were very proud of the bee bath they made to help our bees keep hydrated. Can you identify the species of bee and beetle we found?

We hope you are enjoying the 30 days wild challenge. In school today Red Skippers rescued an exhausted bee by giving it some sugar water.
A good grasp of phonics is essential to develop reading and writing skills. We understand that teaching your child phonics at home can be difficult. Visit this website daily to practice sounding and blending skills.https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zcqqtfr
Grammar, punctuation and spelling
The resources from this link are aimed at Years 1 & 2. It would be useful if Year 2 children could focus on one of these skills daily.https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkxxsbkhttps://player.vimeo.com/video/424794586?dnt=1&app_id=122963

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WACz6FPDlYNTMnDLInnAFZajCaXZCWvA/preview https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FJq2b_4mHGXvyqhcmyhL7XOWg_MKbbYo/preview
Art with Mrs Ferrier
This beautiful poem can help to explain about our world at the moment
The Time We Spring cleaned the world
Letter to Red Skippers 2nd April 2020
- Parents plan
- I do like to be beside the seaside
- Pictures to think and talk about
- Food chain paper chain
- Edith Cavell
- Dog crafts
- 3d shape mat
Dear Red Skippers,
At school we have a routine. As we are all learning at home for the next two weeks we have created a routine to help you continue to SOAR ON WINGS.
Morning | Afternoon |
Phonics, reading and writing Mental maths and written maths | Themed activities |
Mental maths ideas:
Counting in 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
Reception – saying one more and one less than numbers to 50 or 100, recognising odd and even numbers and using directional and positional language, eg: above, next to, right and left
Y1 – Saying the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, saying 10 more and 10 less with numbers to 100 and using directional and positional language, eg: above, next to, right and left
Y2 – Saying the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables and adding and subtracting a tens number to a 2-digit or 3-digit number, eg: 34 + 40 = and 87 – 30 =
Written maths ideas:
FS – writing numbers to 20, then 50, checking correct number formation, adding two numbers together and subtracting a smaller number from a bigger number.
Y1 and Y2 have a maths work based on the Abacus scheme we use in school. Completing one or pages per day would be brilliant. You could even make up some of your own on blank paper.
FS – attached is a list of the first 100 words we teach. Reading them at home regularly will help you recognise them by sight, and will make your reading fabulous! Have a look at www.phonicsplay.co.uk and play some of the Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 games. You also have some phonics activities in this pack.
Y1 – you have already been sent a list of games and activities earlier this week, but have a look at www.phonicsplay.co.uk and play some of the Phase 3, 4 and 5 games. You also have some phonics activities in this pack.
Y2 – you have already been sent a list of important spellings words earlier this week, so keep practicing reading and writing them. You could write the words into sentences – remember capital letters and full stops! You could also have a look at www.phonicsplay.co.uk and play some of the Phase 4, 5 and 6 games. You also have some phonics activities in this pack.
Phonicsplay – Username: March20, Password: home
Reading every day and talking about what you have read is very important. You could ask a grown up to ask you questions, and you could discuss how the story made you feel. When you have finished your book you could complete a book review (attached). You can read your school books, books you have at home or comics – whatever you enjoy!
As we are heading towards Easter we would be exploring the Easter story, starting with Palm Sunday when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey. You can share this story from The Bible or on the TopMarks website https://www.topmarks.co.uk/easter/easterstory.aspx
Why don’t you make a book retelling the story? You could write sentences and draw illustrations, maybe following the guide below:
Day 1 – Palm Sunday
Day 2 – Judas betrays Jesus
Day 3 – The Last Supper
Day 4 – Praying at Gethsemane
Day 5 – Peter’s denial
Day 6 – the trial of Jesus
Day 7 – the crown of thorns
Day 8 – carrying the cross
Day 9 – Jesus is crucified
Day 10 – risen from the dead
Remember: capital letters, full stops and, for Year 1 and 2, question marks, exclamation marks and commas for a list. We will display your books when we are all back together at school.
Afternoon activities:
- Exploring the garden, looking for bugs, examining and comparing habitats. The Woodland Trusts Nature Detectives has some fantastic ideas: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/blog/2020/03/nature-detectives/
- Collect leaves, branches or stones. Look very carefully then have a go at drawing them, thinking about shape and colour.
- Visit the National Trust parks. They are free to visit and free to park. Make a list of what you see, hear and smell.
- Watch the Cbeebies Easter art performance and have a go yourself! You could do it in sand, flour, paint or mud! https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories/lets-celebrate-easterperformance
- Join gonoodle. There are lots of dances and activities to keep you active, but there are also links for when you want to be peaceful and to have time to think. https://www.gonoodle.com/
- Think of your favourite song, or write your own. Now find things around your house or garden to create your own accompaniment. Pans and spoons are noisy! Threading beads onto string and running a spoon along them is more gentle! Can you perform your song to your grown up?
- With Mrs Robinson you have been learning about forces. How do things in your house move? Make a list with drawings to show which forces you have discovered.
- If you would like time to be peaceful, have a look at cosmickids. Yoga is fun to do together. https://www.cosmickids.com/
- Think about our Christian values. Maybe you could take a photo when you show one of our values.
We hope you enjoy these activities and we are looking forward to seeing you all back at school soon. Please look after yourselves and keep healthy. If you need any further support please email us:
Laura Davies – ldavies9krz@nsix.org.uk
Vic Morton – vmorton3cre@nsix.org.uk
Best wishes,
Laura Davies Vic Morton